NAIDOC celebrated at Santa Teresa
Students and staff at Ltyentye Apurte Catholic School recognised NAIDOC in a big way. NAIDOC stands for: National Aboriginal and Islander Day Observance Committee. Its purpose is to keep culture strong and focus on annual themes. In 2018, under the banner ‘because of her we can’, the focus was on the contribution of women to culture and communities.
At Ltyentye Apurte there was a sense that our existing NAIDOC format had become tired and in need of change. Consequently, our Aboriginal staff met in their Yarning Circle (an Aboriginal staff meeting) to plan a new format. It was a productive meeting and led to the inclusion of at least two new activities, notably, the work of rangers in caring for country and traditional craft (weapons and tools).
With strong leadership from our assistant teacher and soon to be fully qualified classroom teacher, Marcus Williams, the Aboriginal staff worked as a team to deliver a highly successful and engaging NAIDOC celebration. Marcus noted that this year’s event was the biggest in 25 years and went for a whole day (not part of a day as in the past). It also generated such interest that members of the community visited the school to spectate.
Along with the work of rangers and a look at traditional craft, other activities included art (making a skin name banner for the library), cooking kangaroo tails and damper and bush medicine. Many of these activities were led by strong women.
We thank Marcus and our Aboriginal staff for their leadership and hard work and hope you enjoy the pictures.
Justin Colley - Deputy Principal