Pilgrims of Hope
Welcome to Jubilee 2025: Pilgrims of Hope!
This is an exciting year for all of us in Catholic Education Northern Territory as we journey together as pilgrims of hope to honour and celebrate Jubilee 2025.
What is Jubilee?
Jubilee years are a time of newness and extraordinary grace. Proclaimed by the Pope, Jubilee has been celebrated throughout the history of the Church, with its origins dating back to the Hebrew Scriptures.
A Year of Jubilee provides each one of us with the opportunity to renew our relationship with God and our neighbours.
In choosing the Jubilee 2025 theme, ‘Pilgrims of Hope’, Pope Francis noted that ‘We must fan the flame of hope that has been given to us, helping others to gain new strength and certainty as we look to the future with an open spirit, a trusting heart and a far-sighted vision.’ He invites us to rediscover our calling and to be beacons of hope in the world, especially for those who’s light has dimmed.
The Pilgrims of Hope Logo
The Pilgrims of Hope logo is a powerful symbol of hope as we come together in solidarity to face the challenges of our world, all the time supported and led by the example of Jesus as a living witness in our midst.